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Other Library Services are:
The following is a list of charges for additional services provided at the Library.
Copying OR Printing:
$ .10 per page (B&W); $1.00 per page (Color)
$ .10 per page (B&W); $ .25 per page (Color)
• Fax Machine - To send a fax - $1.00 a page up to 5 pages, max 10 pages per dial up. (pgs. 6-10 no charge)
*Additional pages (11+) to the same number: $1.00 each, same as above pricing.
To receive a fax, .10¢ per page.
• Laminator - .50¢ small - $1.00 full page.
• Meeting Room - inquire at service desk
* Wireless printing - Printing from your own device
* Wi-Fi Internet access is available 24/7
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